American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Program (ARP ESSER)
Return to Learn Plan
Explanation of Enrollment Terms
Traditional Enrollment Students who are enrolled in the traditional school setting will attend school in person except in the case of illness or school closure. Traditional students will complete work at school and through a virtual platform/online lessons as needed to ensure a continuation of education through any breaks in school face-to-face attendance. If there is a school closure or extended student absence due to COVID-19, traditional students will transition to virtual learning.
Attendance Policy In order to minimize exposure to COVID-19, students should by no means be sent to school if they are sick. It is important that students with any symptoms of illness stay home until the symptoms resolve. Absence codes have been added to reflect student absences due to COVID-related reasons. Please notify your child’s school when any absence is related to COVID-19.
Daily Procedures
· Facial Coverings - Masks are optional.
· Hygiene/Respiratory Etiquette- Staff will model proper hygiene and respiratory etiquette and students will be reminded on a daily basis.
· Medications - Only medicine prescribed by a doctor in its original container will be allowed at school. Over the counter medications will not be administered at school.
· Hand Washing/Sanitizer - Teachers and staff will model and expect enhanced hand washing and sanitizing routines throughout the school day. Students will be trained and reminded of these routines. Soap at sinks and sanitizing stations will be available throughout the building.
· Water Fountains -Students must bring their own water bottles every day. The district will make every effort to ensure a water filling station is available.
· Temperature Checks -If a student or staff member exhibits a fever of 100.0 degrees or greater while at school, they must immediately be picked up from school. They cannot return to school until they are fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication.
· No Deliveries - Deliveries to the school of non-necessities, such as flowers or outside food items, will not be allowed in order to minimize visitors in the building. The main entry has been designated for parents/guardians. The office staff will assist you with urgent needs pertaining to your child.
· Visitors - Visitors will only be allowed for essential purposes. Virtual and in-person meetings will be utilized.
· Assemblies - Administration will make up-to-date decisions for the possibility of assembly activities.
· Extracurricular/Sports - Archery, Basketball, Track, Cross Country and other Clubs will limit the number of participants and spectators to adhere to safety guidelines and precautions.
Field Trips - Principals will assess requests for field trips and will approve/deny based upon curriculum needs and the health environment.
· Computer Lab/Classroom Devices- All technological devices needed for instructional purposes will not be shared with another student without first being sanitized. Sanitization will occur between uses.
Sick Child Procedures
· Teachers should inform the office and send the student to the office.
· Parents will be notified per the specific school plan so the student can be picked up promptly.
· Extra sanitation steps will be enacted as needed.
· Parents will stay in contact with the school to communicate the status of their child’s health.
· School staff will be mindful of student privacy and only share information with “Need to Know” personnel. Social media posts pertaining to COVID 19 are strongly discouraged.
Cleaning Procedures
· Milligan/Futures Unlimited will provide sanitation equipment, including additional state-of-the-art electrostatic sanitizers, to ensure proper sanitation in each building. Teachers will be provided sanitizing supplies to clean as needed and to sanitize desks and other areas according to school cleaning procedures. Restrooms will be sanitized multiple times daily - morning, midday, and after school hours - as part of this plan. Water fountains will not be in use until further guidance is given from the health department. Water bottle features on water fountains may be used to refill bottles.
· Milligan/Futures Unlimited will develop modified and expanded cleaning schedules to ensure daily sanitation and cleanliness of facilities. These cleaning cycles will be planned and completed daily to ensure that staff and students return to a sanitized environment.
· Teachers will perform basic cleaning procedures during the school day and will be provided with professional development/training on how to fulfill these expectations. Common sanitizing supplies will be provided for classroom use, including disinfectant spray for door knobs, and 5 other high-touch areas; and hand sanitizer for each classroom.
· School leaders will conduct facility walkthroughs regularly with custodial staff to identify any areas needing additional cleaning and to make sure facilities are prepared.
Child Nutrition Program Procedures
The administration will develop a meal distribution plan to encourage hygiene and healthy eating environments. Classes will be scheduled to optimize class social distancing. Please note, parents/visitors will not be allowed to eat meals with students in the school facilities but students can be checked out for meals. Parents are encouraged to limit the times they check their students out for lunch and/or drop-off lunch, in an effort to minimize unnecessary potential exposure and loss of academic time. Child Nutrition staff will follow health department requirements for food preparation and distribution.
COVID 19 - Exposure & Quarantine Procedures
Isolations: Any person testing positive for Covid-19 will have to isolate for five days from the beginning of symptoms (such as a fever or a persistent cough) or the day of the positive test (whichever is earlier). If symptoms have improved and the individual remains fever free for 24 hours (without use of medication), they may return to school/work on day six. The CDC recommends wearing a mask for days six through ten, this will be required to return to school. Any person still symptomatic following the five-day period should continue to isolate.
Quarantine Recommendations: Contact tracing will no longer occur on a case-by-case basis. Instead, we will focus our resources to conduct outbreak or “hot-spot” investigations as necessary. This will be used to determine if quarantine or temporary closure for a class, grade level, or school site is necessary. We will no longer notify each individual identified as a “close contact” OR notify a building or campus of a positive case. Instead, administration will notify families and staff who may be involved in an outbreak or “hot spot” incident. The administration will require “close contacts” to possibly quarantine, COVID test and/or wear a mask following an exposure, regardless of vaccination status. If “close contacts” test negative they may return to school but must wear a mask for 5 days. If “close contacts” opt out of COVID testing, the exposed student will need to quarantine 5 days.
Student Health and Wellness to Ensure Academic Success
· Multitiered systems of support (MTSS) are used to ensure continuity of academic success. MTSS emphasizes wellness promotion, prevention, and early intervention, helping to minimize redundancies and gaps in services.
· Physical security measures such as locked doors, lighted hallways, and visitor check-in systems have been purchased and installed.
· Psychological safety includes a positive school climate and trust among staff, students, and families where students feel connected and part of a close-knit and caring community, and where students are empowered to report any safety concerns.
· School-employed mental health professionals are permanent, salaried professionals employed by the school district on an as-needed basis to assist in providing mental health supports to both students and families to increase attendance and improve academic success.
Review and Revision of Plan
No less frequently than every six months, the Milligan/Futures Unlimited administration, staff, and parent/community representatives will review, and as is appropriate or in alignment with CDC guidelines, revise this Return to Learn Plan to be compliant and ensure continuity of services.